We’ve provided our lasers and expertise for many large-scale live events and film productions over the years.
We’ve provided our lasers and expertise for many large-scale live events and film productions over the years.
While the majority of our gigs are in the Vancouver B.C. area, we’ve worked events as far away as Toronto Ontario. Whether a single event or a tour, we are happy to provide our lasers and production services anywhere within Canada.
About the Owner / President
I fell in love with lasers during Expo 86, which was the very first time I saw them in use. I was 8 years old at the time, and just had to learn everything I could about lasers. For my birthday my parents bought me a surplus 5mW Helium Neon laser and I dove into a number of laser related projects such as holography but always seemed to find my way back to visual projects such as 3 mirror motor setups and diy galvonometers, or even as simple as gluing a mirror to an old speaker cone. It developed into a passion early on.

At the time, the cost of more serious laser hardware made it simply our of reach, and eventually I drifted away from lasers as my interests diverged into aviation and computers. More recently, the availability of lower cost DPSS green lasers re-sparked my interest and I found myself building laser visual related projects again, this time with much more exciting results.
My next project was to build a 1 Watt RGB laser projector, which turned out way beyond my expectations. While I had never considered lasers professionally, a friend convinced me to bring it out to one of his small private gatherings and the feedback was overwhelming. That night I met my first 3 clients!
I dedicated every dollar earned into upgrading my hardware and building new lasers, and worked towards improving my skills and developing artwork / content. Soon I was receiving bookings for larger and more complex events. It’s truly been an honour over the past years to be able to contribute to some amazing events and film productions.
Our pricing is competitive, please call or email for a quote